(2 Ratings)

Karma Cleansing

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Karma is a concept rooted in various religious and philosophical traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to the principle of cause and effect, where every action, intention, or thought has consequences that shape one’s future experiences.

In essence, karma suggests that our present actions influence our future circumstances, both in this life and potentially in future incarnations, creating a cycle of cause and effect. It is often associated with the idea of moral accountability and the notion that one’s actions determine their destiny or fate.

Karma cleansing, also known as karma clearing or karmic cleansing, is a spiritual practice aimed at purifying or releasing negative karma. It involves various techniques and rituals designed to let go of past actions, thoughts, or intentions that may have generated undesirable consequences or negative energy.

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Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
2 Ratings
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12 months ago
Amazing course has lot of new things to learn
1 year ago
Amazing course