Subjugation Magick Level 1

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About Course

Influential people achieve their goals by influencing others. Every time people join you, worship you, collaborate with you, or support your ideas, you take another step towards success.

You can inspire trust, make someone believe you are right, make someone find you attractive, and even make someone care about you. This magic can make others perceive you as a leader. If you want to cause trouble, you can sow suspicion in someone and make what once seemed certain to be uncertain. This magic can cause anxiety, confusion, mistrust and even hatred among acquaintances.

Subjugation magick refers to a type of magic or spellwork that aims to exert control or dominance over another person, creature, or situation. It is often considered a controversial practice, as it involves manipulating or influencing the will of others without their consent.

The concept of subjugation magick is based on the belief that through certain rituals, spells, or incantations, a practitioner can exert power over someone or something, bending them to their will. The intention behind subjugation magick is usually to gain control, obedience, or compliance from the target.


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What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn:
  • How to change somebody's mind
  • How to maintain a relationship with someone you admire
  • How to attract someone to blindly trust you
  • Make someone be afraid of you
  • Make anyone be attracted to your charisma

Course Content

Section 1

  • 06:10
  • 04:33
  • 05:47
  • 04:51
  • 04:22
  • 04:30
  • 01:43

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

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