Crystal Healing Practitioner Course


How many of you have been fascinated by the crystals and gemstones? Were you entranced at the belief that they have healing properties? Or were you just amazed at the beauty and splendor that the various colors, sparkles, and magnetic presence that they convey?


How many of you have been fascinated by the crystals and gemstones? Were you entranced at the belief that they have healing properties? Or were you just amazed at the beauty and splendor that the various colors, sparkles, and magnetic presence that they convey?

You may be finding it hard to believe in that belief, but crystals and gemstones do have natural healing properties in them that can be used for that purpose. And although there are still no scientific explanations behind them, not only one but many people of various history and cultures are advocating for their healing use.

If you haven’t tried it before, you can use malachite or amethyst. Put it under your pillow at night and observe what it has done to your sleep and dreams. If it has affected your dreams, that is how healing property of that stone is working on you.

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23 Video Lessons

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10 Grid Patterns

International Certificate



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Basic, Advanced, Basic And Advanced


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